Sl. No.News
1Tender Notice - MHMCH_455_120325_2024_25 Dt. 12.03.2025
2Tender Notice - Memo no. MHMCH_146H_110325_2024_25 Dt. 11.03.2025
3Tender Notice - MHMCH_145H_110325_2024_25 Dt. 11.03.25
4Tender Notice - 250131 Memo MHMC&H 380 2024-25 - For Printers
5Tender Notice - Memo no. MHMC&H 381 2024-25 For Anti Virus - 40 Users
6Tender Notice - MHMCH/Estt./322/2024-25 Dt. 16.12.24: 241216 TENDER notice for other items except IT
7Tender Notice - MHMCH/Estt./326/2024-25 eTender for Desktop, UPS, Smart board with dongle
8Walk in Interview for the Post of YOGA INSTRUCTOR will be held on 13.12.2023 at COLLEGE SEMINAR HALL at 10.00 am
9Tender Notice - No. 241 Dated. 06/10/2023 and No. 242 Dated. 06/10/2023
10Tender Notice - No. 185 Dated. 18/08/2023
11Tender Notice - No. 184 Dated. 18/08/2023
12Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/388/2022-23 Dt. 20/01/2023 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate chart for the items described below
13Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/106/2022-23 Dt. 18/11/2022 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for supply of cooked diet for indoor patients
14Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/190/2022-23 Dt. 25/07/2022 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate charts of the following instruments.
15Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/100/2022-23 Dt. 31/05/2022 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate charts of the following instruments.
16Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate charts of the following instruments.
17Session for new 1st year will commence on and from 26.04.2022. Induction class will be on that date at 12:00 noon in Auditorium Hall. All new students should present.
18College Reopened on 4th Jan, 2021.Offline Classes commences for all years. Classes for New 1st year (Session 2020) will commence from March, 2021.
19Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital has celebrated its 76th College Foundation Day.
20Schedule of 2nd BHMS (New Regulation) November - December, 2020 Examination
21Schedule of 1st BHMS (New Regulation) November - December, 2020 Examination
22Schedule of Counseling for admission in Medical/ Dental/ AYUSH courses based on NEET UG 2020 Rankings
23Rashtriya Poshan Maah being celebrated at MHMCH Midnapore
24Notice inviting e-tender for purchase, installation and commissioning of medical instruments for Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
25International Yoga Day celebrated at MHMCH,Midnapore on 21st June ,2020
26Homoeopathic Medicine Ars Alb 30 being distributed as Immunity Booster from OPD in wake of the Covid 19 Pandemic.
27Results declared of 2nd BHMS Examinations ,2020 under WBUHS
28Online classes being held for all years
29Classes suspended due to Covid 19 pandemic situation.
30Seminar on Insights on Diabetes to be held on 6th March, 2020
31Futuristic Health Care of Diabetes Mellitus (Type II) , Through Yogic Healing on 26/02/2020
32Departmental Seminar on Diarrhoeal disease with its Management Org by Dept of Community Medicine to be held on 03.03.2020
33Departmental Seminar on 'ECG' organised by Dept of Practice of Medicine held on 10th Feb 2020
34PLATINUM JUBILEE CELEBRATION of Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital and SILVER JUBILEE OF ALUMNI MEETS CELEBRATION - 2019-20
35Seminar on - Myocardial infarction: a pathological view - held on 13th Sept, 2019
36Notice on AYUSH UG NEET 3rd Counseling declared ...
37Engagement in the Post of Yoga Instructor(One) & Yoga Assistant (One) on Contractual Basis at MHMCH, Midnapore - Click Here for details
38Dept Seminar on Case Taking organised by Dept of Organon of Medicine held on 31st July 2019 at 2pm
39Fees structure of 1st BHMS, Session 2019-20
40SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR held on 29/07/2019 at 02:00pm, Topic: Science behind Homoeopathy : a wonder of the Medical world, Speaker : Prof (Dr) C R Mahata
41Admission Notice Session 2019-20 at MHMCH, Midnapore
42Notice on Online Counseling for admission in UG Homoeopathy course for session 2019-20 under All India quota.
43Departmental Seminar on Evaluation of Symptoms arranged by Dept. of Organon of Medicine held on 01.07.19
44Workshop on Medical Certificate writing postponed. New dates to be announced shortly
45Bengal HMC, Asansol wins the All Bengal Inter Homoeopathic College Cricket tournament.
46Workshop on Medical Certificate writing organised by Dept of FMT will be held on 15th May, 19
47Inter Homoeopathic Colleges Cricket tournament organised by MHMCH, Midnapore held at Arabinda Stadium from 7th to 9th May, 19
48Blood donation camp organised at MHMCH, Midnapore on 2nd May, 2019
49Departmental Seminar organised by Dept of Organon of Medicine on Evaluation of Symptoms & 2nd Prescription held on 24th April
50Departmental Seminar on COPD organised by Dept of Practice of Medicine held on 29th April 2019
51World Homoeopathy Day Celebration at MHMCH, 2019
52Dr C F S Hahnemann's 264th Birth Anniversary celebrated at MHMCH,Midnapore on 10th April,2019 with enthusiasm
53The Annual Social Program Nucleus- The Core of Life organised by Students Union, MHMCH, Midnapore held on 14th & 15th March, 2019
54Departmental seminar of Community Medicine on the topic of Viral Hepatitis and its Management held on 12th March, 2019
553rd year emerges as winners in the Inter year Cricket tournament
56Inter year Cricket tournament underway
57Two day Orientation Program for HMOs on HTN & DM held at MHMCH,Midnapore in 18th & 19th Feb,19
58The Seminar scheduled for 24th Sept, 2018 on the topic " Renal disorders and Homeopathy " by Dr Ashok Kumar Khanra, Head, Dept of Pathology has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. Date & time of the Seminar Will be announced later, once rescheduled.
594th BHMS exams, 2018 under WBUHS results declared.
61Services of Faculty Members of other Three Homoeopathic Medical Colleges to be utilised at Midnapore Homeopathic Medical College.
62Services of Faculty Members of MHMCH , Midnapore to be utilised at other Homoeopathic Medical Colleges.
63Last date for online application of Merits cum Means Scholarship is over , all the applications would be scrutinized at Institution level as per existing rules before forwarding.
64Foundation Day & 22nd Ex-students Reunion of MHMCH, Midnapore is scheduled to be held on 3rd & 4th Dec, 2018 in the college premises.