Sl. No. | News |
1 | Tender Notice - MHMCH_455_120325_2024_25 Dt. 12.03.2025 |
2 | Tender Notice - Memo no. MHMCH_146H_110325_2024_25 Dt. 11.03.2025 |
3 | Tender Notice - MHMCH_145H_110325_2024_25 Dt. 11.03.25 |
4 | Tender Notice - 250131 Memo MHMC&H 380 2024-25 - For Printers |
5 | Tender Notice - Memo no. MHMC&H 381 2024-25 For Anti Virus - 40 Users |
6 | Tender Notice - MHMCH/Estt./322/2024-25 Dt. 16.12.24: 241216 TENDER notice for other items except IT |
7 | Tender Notice - MHMCH/Estt./326/2024-25 eTender for Desktop, UPS, Smart board with dongle |
8 | Walk in Interview for the Post of YOGA INSTRUCTOR will be held on 13.12.2023 at COLLEGE SEMINAR HALL at 10.00 am |
9 | Tender Notice - No. 241 Dated. 06/10/2023 and No. 242 Dated. 06/10/2023 |
10 | Tender Notice - No. 185 Dated. 18/08/2023 |
11 | Tender Notice - No. 184 Dated. 18/08/2023 |
12 | Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/388/2022-23 Dt. 20/01/2023 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate chart for the items described below |
13 | Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/106/2022-23 Dt. 18/11/2022 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for supply of cooked diet for indoor patients |
14 | Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/190/2022-23 Dt. 25/07/2022 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate charts of the following instruments. |
15 | Tender Notice - Memeo No. MHMC&H/100/2022-23 Dt. 31/05/2022 - Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate charts of the following instruments. |
16 | Sealed tenders are invited from different suppliers for submission of rate charts of the following instruments. |
17 | Session for new 1st year will commence on and from 26.04.2022. Induction class will be on that date at 12:00 noon in Auditorium Hall. All new students should present. |
18 | College Reopened on 4th Jan, 2021.Offline Classes commences for all years. Classes for New 1st year (Session 2020) will commence from March, 2021. |
19 | Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital has celebrated its 76th College Foundation Day. |
20 | Schedule of 2nd BHMS (New Regulation) November - December, 2020 Examination  |
21 | Schedule of 1st BHMS (New Regulation) November - December, 2020 Examination  |
22 | Schedule of Counseling for admission in Medical/ Dental/ AYUSH courses based on NEET UG 2020 Rankings  |
23 | Rashtriya Poshan Maah being celebrated at MHMCH Midnapore |
24 | Notice inviting e-tender for purchase, installation and commissioning of medical instruments for Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital |
25 | International Yoga Day celebrated at MHMCH,Midnapore on 21st June ,2020 |
26 | Homoeopathic Medicine Ars Alb 30 being distributed as Immunity Booster from OPD in wake of the Covid 19 Pandemic. |
27 | Results declared of 2nd BHMS Examinations ,2020 under WBUHS |
28 | Online classes being held for all years |
29 | Classes suspended due to Covid 19 pandemic situation. |
30 | Seminar on Insights on Diabetes to be held on 6th March, 2020 |
31 | Futuristic Health Care of Diabetes Mellitus (Type II) , Through Yogic Healing on 26/02/2020 |
32 | Departmental Seminar on Diarrhoeal disease with its Management Org by Dept of Community Medicine to be held on 03.03.2020 |
33 | Departmental Seminar on 'ECG' organised by Dept of Practice of Medicine held on 10th Feb 2020 |
34 | PLATINUM JUBILEE CELEBRATION of Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital and SILVER JUBILEE OF ALUMNI MEETS CELEBRATION - 2019-20 Schedule |
35 | Seminar on - Myocardial infarction: a pathological view - held on 13th Sept, 2019 |
36 | Notice on AYUSH UG NEET 3rd Counseling declared ... |
37 | Engagement in the Post of Yoga Instructor(One) & Yoga Assistant (One) on Contractual Basis at MHMCH, Midnapore - Click Here for details |
38 | Dept Seminar on Case Taking organised by Dept of Organon of Medicine held on 31st July 2019 at 2pm |
39 | Fees structure of 1st BHMS, Session 2019-20 |
40 | SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR held on 29/07/2019 at 02:00pm, Topic: Science behind Homoeopathy : a wonder of the Medical world, Speaker : Prof (Dr) C R Mahata |
41 | Admission Notice Session 2019-20 at MHMCH, Midnapore |
42 | Notice on Online Counseling for admission in UG Homoeopathy course for session 2019-20 under All India quota. |
43 | Departmental Seminar on Evaluation of Symptoms arranged by Dept. of Organon of Medicine held on 01.07.19 |
44 | Workshop on Medical Certificate writing postponed. New dates to be announced shortly |
45 | Bengal HMC, Asansol wins the All Bengal Inter Homoeopathic College Cricket tournament. |
46 | Workshop on Medical Certificate writing organised by Dept of FMT will be held on 15th May, 19 |
47 | Inter Homoeopathic Colleges Cricket tournament organised by MHMCH, Midnapore held at Arabinda Stadium from 7th to 9th May, 19 |
48 | Blood donation camp organised at MHMCH, Midnapore on 2nd May, 2019 |
49 | Departmental Seminar organised by Dept of Organon of Medicine on Evaluation of Symptoms & 2nd Prescription held on 24th April |
50 | Departmental Seminar on COPD organised by Dept of Practice of Medicine held on 29th April 2019 |
51 | World Homoeopathy Day Celebration at MHMCH, 2019 |
52 | Dr C F S Hahnemann's 264th Birth Anniversary celebrated at MHMCH,Midnapore on 10th April,2019 with enthusiasm |
53 | The Annual Social Program Nucleus- The Core of Life organised by Students Union, MHMCH, Midnapore held on 14th & 15th March, 2019 |
54 | Departmental seminar of Community Medicine on the topic of Viral Hepatitis and its Management held on 12th March, 2019 |
55 | 3rd year emerges as winners in the Inter year Cricket tournament |
56 | Inter year Cricket tournament underway |
57 | Two day Orientation Program for HMOs on HTN & DM held at MHMCH,Midnapore in 18th & 19th Feb,19 |
58 | The Seminar scheduled for 24th Sept, 2018 on the topic " Renal disorders and Homeopathy " by Dr Ashok Kumar Khanra, Head, Dept of Pathology has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. Date & time of the Seminar Will be announced later, once rescheduled. |
59 | 4th BHMS exams, 2018 under WBUHS results declared. |
61 | Services of Faculty Members of other Three Homoeopathic Medical Colleges to be utilised at Midnapore Homeopathic Medical College. |
62 | Services of Faculty Members of MHMCH , Midnapore to be utilised at other Homoeopathic Medical Colleges. |
63 | Last date for online application of Merits cum Means Scholarship is over , all the applications would be scrutinized at Institution level as per existing rules before forwarding. |
64 | Foundation Day & 22nd Ex-students Reunion of MHMCH, Midnapore is scheduled to be held on 3rd & 4th Dec, 2018 in the college premises. |